Tuesday, December 29, 2009

What's your New Year's Resolution? To be green? Whiggy Tease can help.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whiggy Tease has heard it all before. This year will be different. This time, you're going to stick to your resolutions for the New Year. In 2010, you're going to quit smoking, you’re going to lose weight, you’re going to get some treatment for that sex addiction problem.


How about a resolution that you can keep? You know, perhaps try to reduce your huge carbon footprint just a little bit. For starters, you can stop with the paper or plastic when you go shopping, and start using those reusable canvass bags.

Whiggy Tease resolves to help you out with that.

Next time you go to the grocery store, why don’t you take Barack Obama with you?

You want to be green, the President wants you to be green. So order the above bag.

Or order the below bag. It doesn’t’ matter to us. Our profit is the same.

Thing is, you need to herby resolve to order some bags. Now, while President Obama is an environmentalist, you can make an even stronger statement. Yes…

buy your very own Al Gore bag. Take it to the grocery store. Or, take it to your local home improvement store and fill it up with those energy efficient light bulbs.

2010 will be different. 2010 will be better. Thanks to Whiggy Tease.

Monday, December 28, 2009

After she says yes, what happens? Here's a hint - it involves Whiggy Tease.

New Year’s Eve is as good of a time as any to propose to your girlfriend. Now, suppose she says yes. What happens next?

Perhaps you “celebrate,” if you know what we’re saying. We think you do know.

Well, perhaps she calls her parents to tell them the big news. You call your parents. Then perhaps you think about who’s going to be in the wedding party, where you’ll get married and when, and talk about a honeymoon.

But sooner rather than later, you’re going to talk about your wedding registry. Maybe a nice department store, perhaps a Target type big box, and perhaps a specialty shop.

When planning your wedding registry, you need to consider Whiggy Tease.

That’s right. How many towels and plates do you need? You don’t want to be one of those Boring Married Couples, do you? No, you don’t. You’re going to need some cool swag, and there’s no place cooler than your favorite on-line store, Whiggy Tease.

Look, the Whiggy Tease Wedding Registry would be the perfect way for you to get all the Presidential Christmas ornaments you need. The registry is the quickest way to get all the coffee mugs you want. And what about coasters? Good lord man, do we not talk about the necessity of coasters enough here?

You’re also going to go on a honeymoon, right? Look, we can’t help you with everything you need for your honeymoon. We are not Ambiance the Store for Lovers. But are you going somewhere warm? Somewhere near a beach, perhaps? Well then, you’ll need to register for our new beach bags.

It just goes on and on. You need to register at Whiggy Tease.

Here’s how it will work. E-mail Whiggy Tease at whiggytease@hotmail.com. Tell us who you are, when your wedding is and where, and tell us what Whiggy items you want. Or, just tell us your interests and political persuasions and your Whiggy Tease wedding consultant will do the rest for you.

We’re serious.

We’ll create a website just for your wedding. You can e-mail it to all your friends. You can put it in your wedding announcements. Your friends can find it on the Google. You’ll be a Cool Married Couple, and that’s important.

Congratulations on your engagement. Now, let’s start registering!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

What are you doing New Years Eve?

Whiggy Tease wants to know what are you doing New Years Eve. Specifically, we want to know if you’re really planning on putting that champagne glass down on a table or bar.

Look, you need coasters. You need classy coasters. You need the Whiggy Tease coasters from our “I’d like to make a toast” collection.

All of your favorites are here, ready for your half-consumed champagne.
But wait, there’s more. Click here to shop the entire I’d Like to Make a Toast collection. Order soon, you'll have them for your New Years Eve party.

You don’t want to leave a stain on that nice woodwork, do you?

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

You think you're done shopping? Well, you're not. Get a load of THIS!

We were going to spend the evening here at Whiggy Tease HQ rolling around in all of our money. We’re filthy dirty rich, you know, due to the success of the coffee mugs (scroll down to see the old and new mugs).

However, we took a rest from the rolling and opened a nice bottle of Great Lakes Christmas Ale.
As we looked around for something to pour it in… our latest idea struck.

Here they are.

Oh, there will be more where these came from.

Shop right now. You don’t have a second to lose. Click here for the Obama stein, and here for Reagan.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Have you seen the new coffee mugs?

People have been delighted, just absolutely delighted with the first Whiggy Tease coffee mugs.

While people really enjoyed the mugs with W and Condi, Nicolas Sarkozy, Bubba and LBJ, they went insane for the Barack Obama mug, pictured here…

So, if you liked your first serving, you’re really going to like a refill. Yes, we can freshen that up for you, hon, with another round of Whiggy Tease coffee mugs.

Let’s start overseas with Tony Blair…

Next, let’s go with America’s favorite Accidental President, Gerald Ford. What Republican, no check that, what American wouldn't enjoy coffee and toast with President Ford?

The other side of this mug shows the White House press corps just giddy with excitement over Ford's toasting skills. You'll want to buy four of these. At least.

Now, Whiggy Tease doesn’t have enough Kennedy stuff in our store. We admit that. We’ve hired an artist to work on that. Until then, why don’t you enjoy a nice cup of coffee with Jack and Bobby?

Or, perhaps you also enjoy coffee with President Harry S. Truman and his good friend Averell Harriman?

Finally, we get back to jolly old England with Gordon Brown. Here he is at a local Starbucks, pestering Blair about when he finally gets to be Prime Minister.

Now, start shopping! Click here and scroll down. Don’t just buy mugs for yourself, because that would be selfish and hateful. You need to buy Whiggy Tease mugs for everyone on your Christmas list.
There’s free shipping through Sunday, you know, with coupon code LASTSHIP.
Hey, while you're at it, you might want to get some coasters...

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Ladies and gentlemen, please rise for the Supreme Coasters.

We here at Whiggy Tease reckon that when most attorneys gaze upon themselves in the mirror, they see a future U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice looking back at them. It’s probably the same for judges and the majority of law professors.

We assume this phenomenon is even more likely to occur when alcohol is involved.

Having said all that, what do you get your favorite attorney, judge or law professor for Christmas or an upcoming birthday? Or perhaps as a graduation gift? Is there something Whiggy Tease could do for you?

Oh yes there is.

You may approach, and you may start buying the well-focus grouped Supreme Coasters. We have lovely tile coasters of all seventeen – or eighteen, depending on how you view history – Supreme Court Chief Justices in American history.

Listen to this red hot rhetoric from our vendor: Liven up any room or party with our fun, hip tile coasters, measuring 4.25” x 4.25” and 1/6-inch thick. Images are applied with a polyester resin that accepts dye as part of the coating. Four felt pads protect your furniture from scratches. Dishwasher safe. Not for use with abrasive cups and mugs.

You probably shouldn’t be using abrasive cups and mugs, anyway.

We designed these with beer in mind, but Attorney Mike A. had this suggestion: "If you've ever wanted to apply steaming hot liquids to the face of your least favorite jurist, here is your chance!"

So there you go. Buy them because you have a Chief Justice you love, or buy them for those you hate. Either way, your money is good with us.

There have been seventeen men who wanted to be Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. Then there was William Cushing. He had no interest in the job, but President George Washington appointed him to Chief Justice… or tried to appoint him.

Cushing turned him down. While he liked being on the Supreme Court, he didn’t want the Top Job. Some folks feel Cushing was actually Chief for three days before he realized it or got around to quitting. Others feel since he never accepted, he was never really Chief.

It’s a great topic to discuss over beer with your law buddies. See how this works?

Click here to start shopping.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Fight back in the War on Baby's First Christmas!

There is a war going on in America. It’s a War on Christmas. To be more specific, it’s a War on Baby’s First Christmas.

The War isn’t against every baby, however.

If your baby is 0-3 months, he’s fine. 3-6 months is okay too, as is 6-9 months.

You see, you can find “Baby’s First Christmas” clothes for a baby this size.

But what if your baby is getting all geared up for Christmas, and he or she was born in late December, January, February or March? Try to get this kid a shirt that says “Baby’s First Christmas.” You’d be out of luck, and so would your kid, as the big stores – Corporate America, if you will – sell no such thing.

Worse yet, what if back in January, you gave birth and your baby is a bit of a Bubba? Perhaps he’ll be wearing 18 month clothing by Christmas.

Trust us, there is nothing… NOTHING for this kid to wear.

That is, until Whiggy Tease decided to declare war on the War on Baby’s First Christmas.

The Concerned Big Sisters and Cousins of America got together and designed a special line of Baby’s First Christmas clothing. It’s big enough for your 9-12 month baby, even if he’s a Bubba.
Please note we did not give the children Diet Coke, an adult left the drink on the table to take this photo. Really.
The line is also available in little baby sizes as well. You see, unilke Corporate America, we love ALL babies here at Whiggy Tease.
Start shopping. It’s all available in our Christmas department, along with the Presidential Christmas ornaments.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Reasons to Save the Earth on Black Friday.

The dynamic duo of two ladies named Betsy and Denise make up the Whiggy Tease Street Team. They’re also part of Street Team, and they’re working on the Internship Program. But today, we’d like to celebrate their role on the R & D team.

These gals came up with the idea for the “Save the Earth” theme. There’s swag with “Save the Earth, it’s the only planet with chocolate.” There are versions celebrating bacon and beer as well.
Honestly, we never thought these items would sell. But that’s why we have an R & D team. You see, not only have these items sold, they’ve sold big, and they’ve sold well in Europe. Well, the chocolate version and the beer version have sold well across the pond. We reckon they don’t eat bacon in Europe, but we really don’t know and aren’t inclined to look into it.

They also make excellent birthday gifts.

The point is, the Save the Earth theme is hot. So, we’re going to celebrate Black Friday by having a Save the Earth sale.

Until recently, the Save the Earth swag consisted of t-shirts. Now, there’s more. A lot more.

Tons more.
What are you waiting for? Go to the Save the Earth department right now and shop. Shop! SHOP!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Forget Black Friday. Start shopping on Whiggy Wednesday!

You have a choice.

You can get up early on Friday, the day after you stuffed yourself with turkey, and get out in the cold and fight crowds covered with flu germs and probably head lice in some God forsaken Wal-Mart or Best Buy and try to get your hands on cheap plastic crap.

Or, you can stay in the comfort of your own home, or your in-laws, and relax, stay warm, sit down at a computer and buy some great Whiggy Tease stuff. It's Whiggy Wednesday, and like the Big Boxes, we’re putting our most popular stuff on sale.

That’s right.

All of the Christmas ornaments are on deep discount. Our Accountant is going to kill us when she gets back from her in-laws. Deep discount on every single ornament. This sale must end Sunday.

But wait, there’s more.

Not only do we have every President and a few foreign leaders, we’ve added a new ornament…

Bo the First Dog. Yes, the first dog has an "official portrait." It's true.
Stay in your house and get your shopping done right now. Black Friday in public is for chumps.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Conservatives vs. Liberals at Christmas.

The Accountant dropped by this morning unexpectedly, and unwelcomingly if we must be honest. “Have you boys looked at the Christmas ornament sales?” she hissed.

Of course we have. The sales are great.

“Look at the cross-tabs,” she said.”

And there was the discrepancy. Of all the Presidential Christmas ornaments we’ve sold, over 76% of the sales have been of Republican/conservative Presidents (and Prime Ministers), while less than 24% have been of liberals.

Do conservatives really love Christmas that much more than liberals?

Or, are conservatives just early Christmas shoppers? Because they have more money?

Regardless of your political affiliation, or the political affiliation of those on your shopping list, it’s time to start shopping. Click here to buy some ornaments, or here to browse around the entire store.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Whiggy Tease Junior Players present our second YouTube commercial.

Children love Christmas, and they love James K. Polk – our eleventh President. The Whiggy Tease Junior Players know this as well, and that’s why they filmed this commercial for the You Tube.

There are three different versions of this spot, including one that breaks out into a dance party.
Find them all on the You Tube, or perhaps we’ll get around to posting all three.

The Polk ornament, plus ornaments for the rest of the Presidents plus some other folks of historical importance, is available at this link.

Happy Shopping, and Merry Christmas.

Friday, November 20, 2009

The Mount Rushmore of Christmas sales.

Avoid “Black Friday” at the big box stores like you would avoid The Black Death of 1348. Stay at home, watch football and eat delicious turkey sandwiches.

What about Christmas shopping? You can do it all right now, on-line, at Whiggy Tease. And like those silly big boxes, we are having insane sales to lure you in. In fact, you could call this next 48 Hour Sale the Mount Rushmore of Christmas sales.

We’re honoring the four Presidents on Mount Rushmore with a big sale on their Christmas tree ornaments. We’re all but giving the ornaments away. You’d be a fool – a damn fool – not to buy these ornaments today.

Thomas Jefferson…

Teddy Roosevelt…

and of course, Abraham Lincoln…

But wait, there’s more.

That’s right, we’re also honoring a President who SHOULD be on Mount Rushmore, but isn’t. Yet…

Yes, we’ve reduced the price of our James K. Polk ornament, but only for the next 48 hours.

WHAT? What’s so great about James K. Polk? Are you mad?

Listen up. In four short years, he accomplished every goal. He seized the whole southwest from Mexico. Made sure the tariffs fell, and made the English sell the Oregon territory. He built an independent treasury! Having done all this, he sought no second term. But precious few have mourned the passing of Mr. James K. Polk, our eleventh president.

Of course, people will celebrate President Polk by purchasing his ornament and displaying it proudly on their Christmas tree. And when President Barack Obama issues a declaration mandating Polk’s inclusion on Mount Rushmore. Just you wait.

This sale must end Sunday.

Monday, November 16, 2009

While we don't quite get the History Channel's "World War II in HD," we are celebrating it.

Whiggy Tease may not be rolling out new products this week, because we are very excited and distracted by the History Channel’s weeklong series, “World War II in HD.” We don’t quite get how the History Channel got footage of this epic struggle in high definition, but we assume it involved time travel. We here at Whiggy Tease love time travel.

We also love selling you swag, so here are some World War II era items you may want to order during the commercials.

Whiggy Tease has tons of Winston Churchill stuff to sell you. There’s our series of Churchill coasters, which is not one, not two, nor three, but four coasters large.

While British voters booted Churchill soon after WWII, they later came to their senses and put him back in. Churchill’s 1951 comeback campaign posters featured this logo…

… meaning, that was it. No words, no text, nothing. Just this logo. That’s all his campaign staff needed. It is, to us, the Coolest Campaign Logo Ever, so we celebrate it with t-shirts and a whole ton of other swag. It’s all available in the Winston Churchill store.

Please note that all aprons are NEW AND IMPROVED. They’re thicker, fancier, and come in three colors.

And of course, there are Christmas ornaments. We have ornaments for all the U.S. Presidents, so we of course have ornaments for the WWII Presidents, Franklin Roosevelt and Harry S. Truman. You can also buy your Dwight D. Eisenhower ornament as well.

But don’t think for a second that we stopped making ornaments when we ran out of Presidents. No sir. We have one for Churchill, and there’s a new one for Charles de Gaulle.

Buy now. Get your Christmas shopping out of the way.

Friday, November 13, 2009

The first Whiggy Tease 48 Hour Christmas Sale Extravaganza for Non-Morons.

See these people? They’re lined up in the middle of the night outside some Wal-Mart for a lame Christmas sale. They’re cold, they’re exchanging germs, and some of them are probably going to get hurt. And for what? A cheap DVR player?

These people are morons.

You, however, are not a moron. That’s why you’re going to monitor this site daily for announcements of the latest Whiggy Tease 48 Hour Christmas Sale Extravaganza for Non-Morons.

We’ll have a bunch of these sales between now and Christmas. You can shop from home. No crowds, no cold, no germs, and nobody gets hurt. You don’t even have to get dressed.

Let us assure you, Whiggy Tease Nation, that we aren’t putting our crappy merchandise on sale. No sir. Our 48 Hour Christmas Sale Extravaganzas for Non-Morons will only feature our best and most popular items at prices so low, our accountant will be furious with us. But she’s not around right now, so let’s get started…

How do you like your coffee? Perhaps black and strong. You know, like you like your President?

Well then, you need the Barack Obama coffee mug, available in regular and large size. You like coffee? The President likes coffee! It’s a coffee mug you can believe in.

Perhaps you are a conservative. Well, we are putting our most popular item on sale…

Oh snap, we did not! Yes, we did! It’s our Ronald Reagan Christmas ornament. We’ve had customers buy twelve of these at a time. Seriously. And now we’ve lowered the price as low as we possibly can! How many will you buy?

And for historians, we are putting our most popular design on sale…

Yes, you can show that you opposed the evil Kansas-Nebraska Act with this shirt. Keep in mind we said the design was on sale. That’s right, every item in the Kansas-Nebraska shop is on sale, and that includes aprons, coasters, mouse pads and tote bags.

Merry Christmas Whiggy Tease Nation. Start shopping, as this sale ends on Sunday.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

What about Thomas Jefferson?

With much fanfare, Whiggy Tease the other night announced that you can buy a Christmas ornament featuring every single president of the United States from the Democratic Party. We also did the same for the GOP. We’ll play both sides. You’re money is good here.

The backlash, while polite, was immediate. Scott the Poet, Rocker and Gonzo Journalist from Chicago wanted to know why Thomas Jefferson was left off our list of Democrats.

Well, technically, Jefferson was a member of an outfit called the Democratic-Republican party. Sure, modern day Democrats claim him as one of their own. Get enough drinks in a Democrat and they’ll claim Teddy Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln too.

However, the point is moot. Why? Because, here at Whiggy Tease, we have Christmas ornaments featuring every single U.S. President, from George Washington to Barack Obama.
So, should we have Jefferson as a Democrat or not? Doesn’t matter. What’s important is that you buy one today. Click here to start shopping.

No, we do not have two different ornaments for James A. Garfield. Please stop asking.

Sarah Palin's book is coming out and you have nothing to wear.

It seems Sarah Palin - the long lost granddaughter of Ronald Reagan or George W. Bush in drag, depending on your political views - has written a book and it comes out on Tuesday.

Perhaps you’re going to buy it. That’s fine, if you’re into that kind of thing. Many are, many aren’t. That’s not the point. The point is, if you are going to buy it, what are you going to wear?

You have nothing.

We here at Whiggy Tease can take care of that. Since our store opened in July, we’ve had an entire line of Sarah Palin swag on sale. www.cafepress.com/Whiggy_Tease/6768127
We have all sorts of shirts. Here’s just a sample…

Yes, it’s the famous Sarah Palin black, five inch high heel shoe with the rhinestone skull and cross bone design that she debuted at her 2008 campaign rally outside the Montgomery Inn in Mason, Ohio, we think.
If you’re new to the Whiggy Tease Nation, you know we are newly obsessed with coasters. So here ya go…

Also, if you’re going to buy Palin’s book, what are you going to carry it around in? That’s right…
But what about when you get home to read the book? You’re going to cozy up with a nice cup of coffee, or scotch or moose blood. Well, what are you going to pour it in?

Start shopping. Now, if you order today, will you have your Palin swag by early next week?

You betcha!