New Year’s Eve is as good of a time as any to propose to your girlfriend. Now, suppose she says yes. What happens next?
Perhaps you “celebrate,” if you know what we’re saying. We think you do know.
Well, perhaps she calls her parents to tell them the big news. You call your parents. Then perhaps you think about who’s going to be in the wedding party, where you’ll get married and when, and talk about a honeymoon.
But sooner rather than later, you’re going to talk about your wedding registry. Maybe a nice department store, perhaps a Target type big box, and perhaps a specialty shop.
When planning your wedding registry, you need to consider Whiggy Tease.
That’s right. How many towels and plates do you need? You don’t want to be one of those Boring Married Couples, do you? No, you don’t. You’re going to need some cool swag, and there’s no place cooler than your favorite on-line store, Whiggy Tease.

It just goes on and on. You need to register at Whiggy Tease.
Here’s how it will work. E-mail Whiggy Tease at
whiggytease@hotmail.com. Tell us who you are, when your wedding is and where, and tell us what Whiggy items you want. Or, just tell us your interests and political persuasions and your Whiggy Tease wedding consultant will do the rest for you.
We’re serious.
We’ll create a website just for your wedding. You can e-mail it to all your friends. You can put it in your wedding announcements. Your friends can find it on the Google. You’ll be a Cool Married Couple, and that’s important.
Congratulations on your engagement. Now, let’s start registering!