You bought up a bunch of the “You Lie” swag, and even more of you purchased “No, You Lie” items. Y’all bought shirts and buttons.
Then, strangely, you started to demand tote bags. So we gave you tote bags. You bought them, with rush delivery.
So, tonight, we are giving you more of what you want. No lie.
First, we’ve taken the time to make those wee-little buttons in both the “You Lie” and “No, You Lie” styles.

Next, we’ve taken the new wee-little buttons, and with the medium and larger 2 ¼ inch buttons and the 3 ½ inch buttons, they’re now available in packs of 100. It’s perfect for, say, the Bowling Green State University College Democrats, or the University of Georgia College Republicans, or all of your friends on the Facebook.

But after you buy the buttons and the shirts and the tote bags, what then? Christmas ornaments?
Don’t be stupid.
Here’s what is next.

It’s a pack of eight Barack Obama post cards, with his official Presidential portrait.
But take a closer look.
Oh yeah, POTUS is fighting back with a “No, You Lie” button of his very own. You Obama Backers can send these to your progressive friends to cheer them on. Or, you can send them to your conservative friends to piss them off.
Or, you can send one to Congressman Joe Wilson.
All items available now by clicking here and scrolling down just a bit.