The Whiggy Tease Emergency Cell Phone started buzzing with a text message at 6:01 AM on Friday. “Obama wins nobel peace prize! Yeah peace!”
“That was interesting, if not unexpected,” we thought. And our day began.
A few hours later, we turned on the Internet and learned that the right was in hysterics over this. And because the right was in hysterics, the left had to go get hysterical about the right being hysterical. By lunch, conservative friends were complaining that Reagan never won the award, and Glenn Beck was actually saying his tea bag friends should have won it.
Somewhere, Gandhi roles over in his grave. Hungry, and without a Nobel Peace Prize.
Meanwhile in the Whiggy Tease World Headquarters, we realize that we are so going to make some money off this. Er, we mean, this issue is of great interest to you, our beloved customers, so we must make some product for you.
And so we have. In fact, the same product can satisfy the Obama Lovers and the Obama Haters. They’re all in the “Ripped From the Headlines” store.

We also have buttons...

But wait, there’s more.
Perhaps you want to wear your Nobel Peace Prize on your shirt…

In addition, we have hoodies and jogging suits, plus a couple more items. We’ll make more variations on this theme, if that’s what you want.

In fact, more products are in development as we speak. Why? Because, we want to make our customers happy. Because happy customers are peaceful customers.
Maybe we’ll win the Nobel next year.