Friday, October 30, 2009

Raise your glass to Winston Churchill. Then, put it down on a coaster.

Oh, how Whiggy Tease Nation loved the General Ulysses S. Grant coasters. They will indeed make great stocking stuffers.
However, the coasters did generate a few helpful comments. Basically, “Yeah, Grant liked to drink and fight. You know who else did? Winston Churchill.”

Indeed, chaps. Sir Winston Churchill did like his drink. He is worthy of a coaster set. So here you go.

First, we’ll start with his 1951 campaign logo

Then, we’ll throw in a V for Victory

An official looking portrait

And this relaxed picture

Stop putting your drinks on your nice coffee table. It’s going to leave a stain. There’s nothing classy about putting your high ball on your copy of Entertainment Weekly or The Economist. Buy your Churchill coasters today.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Department of Strategery, out. Office of Hope & Change, in.

Everyone loved our George W. Bush Era “Department of Strategery” shirt and related swag. However, Bush has been out of office for nine months. It’s too old to be relevant, and too new to be retro.

Nikita, the Whiggy Tease Human Resources Director, models her “Department of Strategery” shirt in the lobby of the Whiggy Tease World Headquarters in Cleveland, Ohio. Every Friday is Wear Your Whiggy to Work day.

So we have something new. Something nice and non-cynical for the Obama administration. The Department of Strategery is out, and in its place is The Office of Hope & Change...

We have shirts, clothes for kids and babies, travel mugs and mouse pads. To shop, click here and scroll down.

It’s the perfect gift for the MSNBC watching, Public Option hoping, former Obama volunteer on your Christmas list.