Oh, how Whiggy Tease Nation loved the General Ulysses S. Grant coasters. They will indeed make great stocking stuffers.
However, the coasters did generate a few helpful comments. Basically, “Yeah, Grant liked to drink and fight. You know who else did? Winston Churchill.”
Indeed, chaps. Sir Winston Churchill did like his drink. He is worthy of a coaster set. So here you go.
First, we’ll start with his 1951 campaign logo…
Indeed, chaps. Sir Winston Churchill did like his drink. He is worthy of a coaster set. So here you go.
First, we’ll start with his 1951 campaign logo…

Then, we’ll throw in a V for Victory…

An official looking portrait…

And this relaxed picture…

Stop putting your drinks on your nice coffee table. It’s going to leave a stain. There’s nothing classy about putting your high ball on your copy of Entertainment Weekly or The Economist. Buy your Churchill coasters today.
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