Whiggy Tease has secured the official Obama font. We are not afraid to use it. In fact, we’ve already created some official looking Obama swag with it, and we’re ready to sell it to you. Warm up your credit card.
First, you need a bumper sticker…

It’s not only clever, it’s really clever. It’s a throwback to the 1964 Goldwater vs. LBJ race, and you know how excited we are about such things here at Whiggy Tease. Do you have 9 friends? Then, buy a 10 pack. Do you have 99 friends? If so, maybe you want to buy a pack of 100.
A similar design is also available on a line of shirts…
First, you need a bumper sticker…

It’s not only clever, it’s really clever. It’s a throwback to the 1964 Goldwater vs. LBJ race, and you know how excited we are about such things here at Whiggy Tease. Do you have 9 friends? Then, buy a 10 pack. Do you have 99 friends? If so, maybe you want to buy a pack of 100.
A similar design is also available on a line of shirts…
We also have an Obama response to Sarah Palin's taunt about how that "hopey-changey thing" is working out...
All of this, and plenty more, is available in The O Store. So, why don’t you start stimulating the economy and start shopping? Click here to begin your journey.
Now that Whiggy Tease has the Obama font, can we now make a ton more of official looking, yet slightly more aggressive, Obama swag for you?
Yes we can.