There is a war going on in America. It’s a War on Christmas. To be more specific, it’s a War on Baby’s First Christmas.
The War isn’t against every baby, however.
If your baby is 0-3 months, he’s fine. 3-6 months is okay too, as is 6-9 months.
You see, you can find “Baby’s First Christmas” clothes for a baby this size.
But what if your baby is getting all geared up for Christmas, and he or she was born in late December, January, February or March? Try to get this kid a shirt that says “Baby’s First Christmas.” You’d be out of luck, and so would your kid, as the big stores – Corporate America, if you will – sell no such thing.
Worse yet, what if back in January, you gave birth and your baby is a bit of a Bubba? Perhaps he’ll be wearing 18 month clothing by Christmas.
Trust us, there is nothing… NOTHING for this kid to wear.
That is, until Whiggy Tease decided to declare war on the War on Baby’s First Christmas.
The Concerned Big Sisters and Cousins of America got together and designed a special line of Baby’s First Christmas clothing. It’s big enough for your 9-12 month baby, even if he’s a Bubba.
Please note we did not give the children Diet Coke, an adult left the drink on the table to take this photo. Really. 
The line is also available in little baby sizes as well. You see, unilke Corporate America, we love ALL babies here at Whiggy Tease.
Start shopping. It’s all available in our Christmas department, along with the Presidential Christmas ornaments.

The line is also available in little baby sizes as well. You see, unilke Corporate America, we love ALL babies here at Whiggy Tease.

Start shopping. It’s all available in our Christmas department, along with the Presidential Christmas ornaments.

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