Whiggy Tease may not be rolling out new products this week, because we are very excited and distracted by the History Channel’s weeklong series, “World War II in HD.” We don’t quite get how the History Channel got footage of this epic struggle in high definition, but we assume it involved time travel. We here at Whiggy Tease love time travel.
We also love selling you swag, so here are some World War II era items you may want to order during the commercials.

Whiggy Tease has tons of Winston Churchill stuff to sell you. There’s our series of Churchill coasters, which is not one, not two, nor three, but four coasters large.
While British voters booted Churchill soon after WWII, they later came to their senses and put him back in. Churchill’s 1951 comeback campaign posters featured this logo…

… meaning, that was it. No words, no text, nothing. Just this logo. That’s all his campaign staff needed. It is, to us, the Coolest Campaign Logo Ever, so we celebrate it with t-shirts and a whole ton of other swag. It’s all available in the Winston Churchill store.
Please note that all aprons are NEW AND IMPROVED. They’re thicker, fancier, and come in three colors.

And of course, there are Christmas ornaments. We have ornaments for all the U.S. Presidents, so we of course have ornaments for the WWII Presidents, Franklin Roosevelt and Harry S. Truman. You can also buy your Dwight D. Eisenhower ornament as well.

But don’t think for a second that we stopped making ornaments when we ran out of Presidents. No sir. We have one for Churchill, and there’s a new one for Charles de Gaulle.
Buy now. Get your Christmas shopping out of the way.

But don’t think for a second that we stopped making ornaments when we ran out of Presidents. No sir. We have one for Churchill, and there’s a new one for Charles de Gaulle.
Buy now. Get your Christmas shopping out of the way.
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