Thursday, November 12, 2009

What about Thomas Jefferson?

With much fanfare, Whiggy Tease the other night announced that you can buy a Christmas ornament featuring every single president of the United States from the Democratic Party. We also did the same for the GOP. We’ll play both sides. You’re money is good here.

The backlash, while polite, was immediate. Scott the Poet, Rocker and Gonzo Journalist from Chicago wanted to know why Thomas Jefferson was left off our list of Democrats.

Well, technically, Jefferson was a member of an outfit called the Democratic-Republican party. Sure, modern day Democrats claim him as one of their own. Get enough drinks in a Democrat and they’ll claim Teddy Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln too.

However, the point is moot. Why? Because, here at Whiggy Tease, we have Christmas ornaments featuring every single U.S. President, from George Washington to Barack Obama.
So, should we have Jefferson as a Democrat or not? Doesn’t matter. What’s important is that you buy one today. Click here to start shopping.

No, we do not have two different ornaments for James A. Garfield. Please stop asking.

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