Tuesday, December 29, 2009

What's your New Year's Resolution? To be green? Whiggy Tease can help.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whiggy Tease has heard it all before. This year will be different. This time, you're going to stick to your resolutions for the New Year. In 2010, you're going to quit smoking, you’re going to lose weight, you’re going to get some treatment for that sex addiction problem.


How about a resolution that you can keep? You know, perhaps try to reduce your huge carbon footprint just a little bit. For starters, you can stop with the paper or plastic when you go shopping, and start using those reusable canvass bags.

Whiggy Tease resolves to help you out with that.

Next time you go to the grocery store, why don’t you take Barack Obama with you?

You want to be green, the President wants you to be green. So order the above bag.

Or order the below bag. It doesn’t’ matter to us. Our profit is the same.

Thing is, you need to herby resolve to order some bags. Now, while President Obama is an environmentalist, you can make an even stronger statement. Yes…

buy your very own Al Gore bag. Take it to the grocery store. Or, take it to your local home improvement store and fill it up with those energy efficient light bulbs.

2010 will be different. 2010 will be better. Thanks to Whiggy Tease.

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