Saturday, October 10, 2009

Your very own Nobel Peace Prize.

The Whiggy Tease Emergency Cell Phone started buzzing with a text message at 6:01 AM on Friday. “Obama wins nobel peace prize! Yeah peace!”

“That was interesting, if not unexpected,” we thought. And our day began.

A few hours later, we turned on the Internet and learned that the right was in hysterics over this. And because the right was in hysterics, the left had to go get hysterical about the right being hysterical. By lunch, conservative friends were complaining that Reagan never won the award, and Glenn Beck was actually saying his tea bag friends should have won it.

Somewhere, Gandhi roles over in his grave. Hungry, and without a Nobel Peace Prize.

Meanwhile in the Whiggy Tease World Headquarters, we realize that we are so going to make some money off this. Er, we mean, this issue is of great interest to you, our beloved customers, so we must make some product for you.

And so we have. In fact, the same product can satisfy the Obama Lovers and the Obama Haters. They’re all in the “Ripped From the Headlines” store.

First, it’s technically a Nobel Peace Prize round Christmas Ornament. It’s an ornament, of course, only if you hang it on your Christmas Tree. But if you wear it around your neck, it’s your very own Nobel Peace Prize. Wear it to celebrate, or wear it to mock.
We also have buttons...

But wait, there’s more.

Perhaps you want to wear your Nobel Peace Prize on your shirt…

In addition, we have hoodies and jogging suits, plus a couple more items. We’ll make more variations on this theme, if that’s what you want.

In fact, more products are in development as we speak. Why? Because, we want to make our customers happy. Because happy customers are peaceful customers.

Maybe we’ll win the Nobel next year.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Today is his big day!

By now, you all heard about the big news in the White House today, didn’t you?

No, not that. The other thing.

That’s right! Today is Bo the First Dog’s birthday!

Here at Whiggy Tease, we’re going to celebrate by going out for ice cream. Oh, and more importantly for you, we’re putting all of our Bo the Dog stuff on sale. Everything in Bo’s store is marked down as low as we can get it.

This means this is your best opportunity to buy a Bo dish (in one of two sizes)…

… and it’s the perfect time to buy this First Dog shirt…

Just look how happy it makes this kid.

You can even get a Bo the Dog shirt for your dog…

Happy Birthday, Bo the Dog!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Woodrow Wilson: History's Worst Monster?

Once a week, all work comes to a halt at the Whiggy Tease World Headquarters when our local alternative paper hits the streets. If your alternative paper is anything like our alternative paper, and we suspect it is, it includes the popular alternative comic strip “This Modern World” by Tom Tomorrow.
Here is a link to Mr. Tomorrow’s latest effort.

The last panel reminded us of something we had blocked out.

Glenn Beck hates Woodrow Wilson as no other semi-rational American does. Beck probably does consider Wilson to be one of History’s Greatest Monsters, if he doesn’t consider him to actually be History’s Greatest Monster.

Which leads us to our latest Whiggy Tease item. Are you in the Target Audience for our latest product? Perhaps you let Glenn Beck do your thinking for you, and you do actually believe that Woodrow Wilson is History’s Greatest Monster. If so, you're in the Tartet Audience.
Or, perhaps you think Glenn Beck is nuts, and thus, the notion that Wilson is HGM is nuts to you – but you like to wear nutty and ironic t-shirts. If so, you too are in the Target Audience.

So, now that we’ve cast a net around 99% of all Americans…

… it’s our Woodrow Wilson: History’s Greatest Monster shirt.

It’s perfect for you, it’s perfect for your brother-in-law who loves Glenn Beck, it’s perfect for, frankly, just about everyone.

But wait, there’s more. We also have keepsake boxes, ceramic coasters, framed tiles, water bottles, hoodies for kids and much, much more.

It’s all available in the Woodrow Wilson store. Start shopping.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

It's our Founder's Birthday - and you get the gifts!

The Founder of Whiggy Tease is “celebrating” a birthday. Truth be told, he’s not fond of his birthday anymore, but there’s no reason why you can’t be fond of it, because Whiggy Tease is having a Founder’s Birthday Sale. We’re putting some of his favorite items on sale, so shop away.

For starters, there’s the popular Kansas-Nebraska Act shirt

Next, there’s the Miss Malarky Ying Yang cat bowl, to celebrate Jimmy Carter’s kitty cat…
And before there was W the President, there was Q the President

Then, there’s the actual logo used in Winston Churchill’s 1951 comeback campaign

With Christmas coming up, you need a James K. Polk ornament

One of our best sellers is the Hamilton-Burr Duel shirt

We take a short break from the birthday celebration of our founder to mark what would have been the 94th birthday of our founder’s grandfather last Friday. He was 100% good and 100% Polish (the two quite often go together), and he wore a lot of Polish swag, so he would have enjoyed this Solidarity cap

Let’s keep it in the family. Here’s an item designed by our founder’s five-year-old daughter. It’s the "I Love America" kids shirt

Here’s an item that hits a little close to home. Happy Furlough Day to you too!

All of our “You Lie” historical coasters are on sale now, including this one…

Finally, here’s an issue that is of great importance to all of us here at Whiggy Tease, and we’re sure it’s of importance to you too...

Please, together, we can Stop Ethnic Cleansing in Fredonia. If we can do that, it would be the Best Birthday Present Ever.