Welcome! Come on in. No need to rush. Please, no pushing. We're open 24 hours a day, and we have plenty of inventory.
What is Whiggy Tease?
Whiggy Tease is an outlet for Jim and Mike to burn off much of their creative energy. While doing that, they hope to become millionaires many times over, or at least continue to manage to feed their respective children.
Whiggy Tease is your on-line shopping destination for Historical Stuff, Modern Politics, and Miscellaneous Nonsense. We have shirts, stickers, hoodies, clothes for kids, buttons, clocks, coffee mugs, and in rare instances, underwear.

Whiggy Tease is for history fans, Democrats, Republicans, Whigs, the satisfied and the disgruntled. You probably fit in that group, or you know somebody who does.

So, shop away. Tell everyone you know. Bookmark this site, as it will be your home for the latest Whiggy Tease News, including discussions of our products, information on special promotions, and if you all are so moved, customers modeling our stuff.

Buy something today. We'd like to be filthy rich Sooner, rather than Later.
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