In the Whiggy Tease family, that “someone” is Mike’s dad. He started off with a Christmas tie. Then, multiple Christmas ties. It just kept snowballing from there. We’ll see his Independence Day tie in a few days. There’s a President’s Day tie, a tie for a birth of a baby, and there probably isn’t a day on the calendar or an important (or even semi-important) event he doesn’t have a tie for.
Which got us thinking.
We’ve discussed the importance of 7/6. Now, let’s discuss the importance of 7/11. Actually, we’ll let some clever kids from the YouTube do it for us.
With that, Whiggy Tease is proud to announce it has a shirt for 7/11…

It’s our long term goal to have a shirt for every single day of the year. This may take us several years, but we have the time and the patience.
As for this particular shirt, we were going for the “What if Don King promoted this duel” type of thing. It’s also authentic, as the guns pictured are the type of guns Hamilton and Burr used. We hope you like it, but more importantly, we hope you buy it.
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