While folks like General George McClelllan hid in tents and had delusional fears about just how strong the rebel army was, others like Ulysses S. Grant went out and fought. President Abraham Lincoln liked that. He liked it so much that when others reported Grant was drinking again, Lincoln said something like “Find out what he’s drinking and send a case to the rest of my generals.”

You can relive this little moment in Civil War history with Whiggy Tease’s General Ulysses S. Grant Commemorative Coaster set. We have not one, not two, but three different coasters, and we’re willing to make more if you, our beloved customers, demand it.

These coasters are the perfect addition to the bar basement of any Civil War buff you know. They’d make a great Christmas gift for a history teacher, a history professor, or perhaps the history major on your list. Or maybe even for someone who just likes to watch the History Channel all day.

Lincoln may have thrown in some coasters for his generals. You never know.
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